Tuesday, February 12, 2008

$1200??? Some of my 1200 questions

What are you going to do with the $1200 that our government "leaders" are going to "give" you. They want us to spend it to stimulate the economy. Do you think this was a good idea? Does it matter that our nation has a $9 trillion deficiet (what's another $190 billion when you're already 9 trillion behind)? If $1200 is a good idea would giving us $10,000 be a better idea? Does it shock you that they gave us the money in an election year? Seriously people, is this a good idea?


Adam said...

While I can appreciate someone giving me $1500 (gotta take into account the extra $300 for each child) I still don't see how this is going to stimulate the economy. The most recent polls that I have seen show that only around 18% of people that will receive the checks will actually go out and spend it. The rest plan on paying down debt or saving it. I think you make a good point about this coming during an election. Kinda like the "terror alerts" during the 2004 election. Funny how the alerts sopped after the election. As far as the deficit. How can we expect to operate as a Nation with so much debt, 2 wars, and still expect to cut taxes. I guess our kids will just have to make more money so they can pay off OUR debt.

Unknown said...

What a timely gift from the taxpayers of America, provided by the one's who have their hands deep in my pockets anyway!

I will probably have to use the money to pay the CPA who keeps me from having to pay corporate taxes.

My slogan in this election year is "Save America, Re-elect No One"!

Anonymous said...

I guess it’s just the greed that swells up inside of me, but I’ll take there $2100 (three kids for me). Maybe I shouldn’t be so cynical, but the government is never going to pay off the national debt. I’ll take my $2100 now (thank you very much) and let my great, great, great, great grandchildren worry about the debt. I’ll probably just give it all to Chapter 2 anyway, AFTER I get myself a big ol’ steak!

Ed said...

Now that I like. We could start a movement - give your goverment check to reach the 60,000. We might have to work on making it "sing" a little more. But I like it.

BTW it's not the national debt I worry about as much as yearly deficiet. There have indeed been years when we had a balanced budget. Let's start there.

Adam said...

I know how we can cut about 7 billion a month.

Ed said...

Get 'er done!