Thursday, March 27, 2008

Weird product of the week

How many of you want to buy this?



Unknown said...

Is that part of the employee lounge at the local womens clinic?

Christine V said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Andrew said...

I'd buy it. But you knew that already, Ed.

Christine V said...

Now that's just creepy. Can you imagine waking up at 3 am needing a glass of water, and , in the dark, going downstairs to fetch it when all of a sudden you see baby feet and hands protruding from the wall????? Nah, that won't get my money

Anonymous said...

First it was knives stuck in a head. Now, it's severed feet and hands . . . Something you need to tell us?

Christine V said...

Dear Ed,
I just love you for you and your sense of humor. You always seem to make me laugh and see life through God's eyes, when all I feel like doing is crying. Though , I do not know you well, you have been a true blessing from God that I have not taken for granted , nor will I ever. And bc of you, so many ppl have come to your church (yes, inviting is so much easier than I thought, and I have seen God work in these ppl that have now become regulars). Praise God, and many blessings to you. With much love, CV.

Adam said...

Where can i buy this?